Thursday, August 12, 2010


If you love to be seen in high heels, then it is time to sit down and think twice. If a person regularly wears high heels, she will end up having change in the muscles and tendons of the legs. Ladies, especially models, beauty queens and corporate workers are mostly seen in high heels.
The change will be so dramatic that the person will experience pain when she wears flat heeled shoes or walks bare foot which most females have experienced it.
It is advisable to wear a mix of flat heels and high heels. Research indicates that it can cause multiple problems like bunions, spraining the ankles, hammertoes, pain in the lower back, knee and calf problems.
Wearing extremely high heels can cause the ligaments in the ankles to snap or it can cause fracture of the bones in the feet.
My advice to all females especially those who are fond of wearing high heels is that, they should reduce the often wearing of them.

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