Thursday, February 21, 2013

KUDOS TO EVERY GHANAIAN Ghanaians have shown a lot of maturity in this year’s general elections. Most people thought there would be chaos because most candidates were desperate to come into power. Everything has come to a closure. As usual we have had another peaceful and successful general election. I want to use this opportunity to congratulate all parliamentarians who have been elected into parliament. To the other presidential candidates, good work done, indeed they have shown leadership by setting examples in so many ways. Congrats to the president elect. Though we all have our differences, we should all accept him as our president and pray for God’s strength, support and favour on him and Ghana. Mr. President Elect, I strongly believe you will deliver your promise and won’t let Ghanaians down. Long live Ghana, God bless our homeland Ghana. JOSEPHINE ARABA AIDOO GIJ ACCRA

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